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An MCM Palliative Care resource that provides some tips and suggestions on to how to express our self-care through journalling.
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An MCM Palliative Care resource about change and loss and the impacts of grief.
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In Australia the national youth suicide statistics are alarming. Suicide accounts for 38 per cent of the deaths among young people aged 15-24 years old. Understanding the factors that contribute to an increased risk of youth suicide is complex. In particular, examinations of the role of childhood experiences of (domestic and family violence) DFV as a lethality indicator remain scarce. Seeking to further current understandings of the role of DFV in youth suicide, this report presents the findings from a review of the current state of knowledge in Australia and internationally on the intersection between children and young people’s experiences of DFV, and their risk of youth suicide.
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MCM's Newsletter for Autumn 2023
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MCM’s Strategy 2023-27 reconfirms our commitment to delivering healing oriented, sector leading services that enable Possibility for everyone.