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3 people holding and cutting a ribbon in front of a building

Youth Housing Initiative Launches in Werribee

16 December 2024

A transformative step for young people experiencing homelessness

Celebrating game-changing graduates of MCM’s Living Learning program

5 December 2024

MCM congratulates the fabulous graduates of Hester Hornbrook Academy who will be celebrated during a special ceremony in Melbourne today. The 2024 graduating class includes participants in MCM’s transformative mental health and education initiative, the Living Learning program.

Youth Homelessness Snapshot MCM & SVA

Victorian Youth Homelessness Snapshot

7 August 2024

MCM’s inaugural Victorian Youth Homelessness Snapshot represents, on a given day in 2024, the reality faced by young people accessing MCM’s homelessness programs.

Launch of National Youth Housing Framework

15 November 2023

Advocates call for 15,000 new homes for children and young people in response to new analysis showing social housing system failing 15-24 year-olds.

Community organisations join forces calling for immediate increase to income support payments to tackle youth homelessness

3 May 2023

MCM alongside other leading homelessness support organisations are calling on the Government to substantially increase JobSeeker and Youth Allowance in next week’s Federal Budget to tackle Australia’s youth homelessness epidemic.

Youth suicide report reveals family violence risks for young people being overlooked in Australia

30 March 2023

The fatal impact of family violence and how it contributes to young Australians’ deaths by suicide is downplayed and poorly recorded, hidden by other presenting issues such as harmful substance use, and missing from Australia’s response systems, advocate Tash Anderson and authors of a report released today reveal.


Giving young people the help they need in the west

17 December 2021

The Victorian Government and Melbourne City Mission are joining forces to help keep young people experiencing homelessness in Werribee safe – and help them get back on their feet.

MCM Pumps up the volume on young silent victim survivors of family violence

6 December 2021

A report released by Melbourne City Mission is urging the community services sector and the government to come together to recognise young people as victim survivors of family violence in their own right and provide support they deserve.

A Youth Homelessness Strategy is needed to support the unique needs of young Victorians

30 November 2021

Young people have distinctive pathways into and experience of homelessness, including having limited coping strategies and resources as well as being at high risk of further trauma, according to new research from the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI).

MCM reply to the 2021-2022 State Budget

20 May 2021

The Andrews government handed down the 2021-2022 State Budget today describing it as two sides of the same coin – creating jobs while caring for our community.

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