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FRMP brokerage

What kind of support does FRMP brokerage fund?

  • Therapeutic interventions including:
    • Individual therapeutic support (counselling, psychotherapy and alternative therapies such as art therapy, music therapy, equine therapy)
    • Family therapy
    • Family mediation
  • Group work or group therapy
  • Respite funding for carers (not parents)

Who is eligible for FRMP brokerage?

A young person is eligible for FRMP brokerage if they:

  • are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness
  • are aged 16 to 25 years
  • have consented to and are ready to engage in the specified intervention
  • have a Case Plan which is aligned with FRMP objectives

Who can submit an application for FRMP brokerage?

An application for FRMP brokerage can only be submitted by a professional who is providing ongoing support or case management to an eligible young person (see above).

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